Decrease Credit Risk with ZACC
Our instant credit grading system provides a payment plan recommendation in seconds.

Increase Case Starts with ZACC
Determine payment options in seconds with the Zuelke Automated Credit Coach!
Our instant credit grading system provides a payment plan recommendation in seconds.
Determine payment options in seconds with the Zuelke Automated Credit Coach!
Patients who are financially stable and have an outstanding credit history may still lack the financial means to pay in-full for an expensive treatment. The traditional solution, third-party financing, is typically not desirable for these savvy consumers.
Don’t let limited payment options cause your practice to lose business. Use ZACC to determine which patients are great candidates for flexible payment options and gain greater case acceptance today!
Patients with poor credit history are less likely to meet payment deadlines. Presenting flexible payment options to these high-risk patients may cause the profitability of your practice to suffer.
Don’t let financially irresponsible consumers wreak havoc on your bottom-line. Use ZACC to determine which patients should be offered more limited payment options and reduce the likelihood of payment delinquency!